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10 tips from Debbie Millman

2011/02 Debbie Millman from CreativeMornings on Vimeo.

I've been following SwissMiss for awhile now (who hasn't been?)
So I've seen more than one of her Creative Mornings posts. The events sound awesome—Friday mornings dedicated to lectures by people who know what they're talking about. And it's sa-weet that they post the talks online.

The thing is, the videos tend to be about an hour long. So they're not so much in the I'm-eating-lunch-and-could-watch-a-video category, but more like the this-is-good-information-I'll-dedicate-some-time-to-it category.

So this Saturday morning I sat down with some French toast, a tall cup of coffee, and Debbie Millman. Her talk covers ten things she wishes she knew when she graduated from design school. As someone who recently graduated (can I still say that? it's been almost a year already!), I found this talk illuminating and well worth my time.

If you truly don't have an hour to sit down and watch the whole thing, skip to the last 15-20 minutes. They're full of design and life wisdom, my favorite of which is: "Make mistakes and fall on your face."
