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method Omop packaging

One of the coolest things I have done is school is attend a lecture with Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry, the founders of method home products. At the time, method was still really just getting started. Eric and Adam talked about starting small; realizing that no one was making natural cleaning supplies and mixing batches of soap in their bathtub.

Since then, I think method has come out with great products (I'm partial to the beautiful O-ring air fresheners and holiday candles) and just-ok products (method kid stuff leaves me wanting.) The other day, though, the O-mop made me stop in my tracks while grocery shopping. It's not the product, really, as much as the packaging. It stands out because its brown and so obviously recyclable. The matte finish stands out next to shiny plastic clamshells, and comes off looking very, very sophisticated.

To read more about the package, go to thedieline here.
